At our library, we’re dedicated to making learning accessible to everyone worldwide. We offer a wide range of online courses, ebooks, and audiobooks at prices significantly lower than their original cost, making them more affordable for learners everywhere.

Once we receive your payment, you’ll get a download link in the ‘Download’ section of your ‘My Account’ page. We’ll also email you the link. We recommend downloading and saving all content to your hard drive. If you encounter any issues with the link, please inform us for a prompt resolution.

We accept various payment methods including PayPal and credit cards. For security and convenience, we recommend using PayPal.

If you’re looking for a specific course not listed in our Shop, submit a Request. We may organize a Group Buy for such requests if there’s enough interest, offering the product at a reasonable price. We’ll keep you informed via email.

For immediately available or free download products, you’ll receive the download link right after payment. It’ll appear in your ‘My Account’ page and be emailed to you. For pre-order or GroupBuy products, the link will be sent as mentioned on the product details page, and we’ll notify you once it’s available.

We run various promotions throughout the year, advertised on our website. To not miss out on potential discounts, please check our site regularly. For orders of 2-3 products or larger orders, email us at [email protected]

Your registration on our website is encrypted and anonymous, ensuring your information remains secure. We use a private server for communications, further enhancing security. Please review our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for more about your account’s security.

Our business operates in a legal gray area. While authors may not favor price sharing, many online courses don’t explicitly prohibit reselling. We see this as an opportunity to assist those who can’t afford expensive courses from original authors. Rest assured, we’re committed to making learning accessible while respecting authors’ rights.